
Magnum on the set. Great Photographers and Cinema

Categories Art in Lucca Events in Lucca Exhibition

This week I am happy to have a guest post by Ilaria Duranti, a friend blogger I recently met on a great blogger experience in Viareggio. She is an art lover and writer, an event planner for museums, galleries and bookstores. In her blog Arte nei sensi, she tells you how to observe the beauty, but even how to feel it. 

I hope you will enjoy reading this post. 

Last weekend I participated to a Swap Party organized by Sandra Bacci  near Lucca. Luckily, I have had some free time to take a walk around and get to know better this land where my friend Paola Moschini lives and works as a tour guide. Searching what’s on in town, I found this exhibition, I would like to introduce you…

Magnum on the set. The great photographers and the cinema is an exhibition that cannot be missed and it is  happening at Lu.C.C.A – Lucca Center of Contemporary Art Museum.

Photography is considered the seventh art and here we can see it playing with the greatest cinema stars.

116 photos create an incredible and suggestive puzzle, a meeting point between cinema and photography, where some of the photographers “are looking for an interior contact with the actor while he is focused in repeating the film scene. Deep and never trivial images, they often tell the interpersonal relations between the photographer and the actor”, says Maurizio Vanni, the exhibtion curator.

Because, their story is “the behind the scenes, the offstage”. The idea is to understand the person, rather than the character and to tell the human side of the great myths.

It has nothing to do with the scene photography, but it is simply an account of those characters that later have made the history on the big screen.

Cinema is considered the world mirror, where you deliberately confuse what happens for show, for fiction, from what it is reality and what really happens.

So the photographers, thanks to the strong complicity with the celebrities, are able to take natural snapshots for us: the people are portrayed in their truest and purest humanity.

It is sort of an “off-air” of the great performers shot by the lens of the Magnum agency famous reporters’. For more than sixty years they could easily access to Hollywood, thanks to Robert Capa close friendships’.

Without reality, fiction could not exist, but without fiction, maybe, it could not exist a true reality.

What comes up at the end it is a liberating fresco: the great cinema myths find an ideal rest, leaving space to the real life.

So, here they are Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston, James Dean, Romi Schneider, Klaus Kinski, Dustin Hoffman, John Malkovich, not as big stars, but as ordinary people in their daily life.

Henri Cartier-Bresson is able to catch Marylin Monroe’s beauty and her sensitive naivety in her last set “The Misfits”, instead Elliott Erwitt gives us his prospective on that unforgettable skirt raise in “The Seven Year Itch” or Katharine Hepburn by Burt Glinn in Suddenly, last summer”…

The close bonds, friendships, complicity and the sort of secret passions are highlightned by the looks, by a small break during the filming. These were the reasons that moved the photographers to be on the set and so they managed to create an emotional connection with the big celebrities of that time.

So not to be missed I grandi fotografi e il cinema, (The great photographer and the cinema) at Lu.C.C.A in the charming Tuscan town for the entire summer and autumn.

For further info:
Lu.C.C.A. – Lucca Center of Contemporary Art
Via della Fratta, 36 – 55100 Lucca tel. +39 0583 492180



Thanks to Ilaria for this informative post and stay tuned because the I would like to tell you about the Lu.c.c.a Tuesday Nights!

Photo courtesy: Magnum Photos